We’ve established why you may want to hire a concrete cutting contractor but there are a few questions you want to ask before signing on that dotted line.
When it comes to concrete cutting, it’s a job that is always best left to a qualified concrete contractor. After all, it isn’t as easy as you may think: cutting can result in cracks or splitting and there will inevitably be plenty of dust to deal with. You also run the risk of damaging other materials, including walls and fixtures that surround your concrete. We’ve established why you may want to hire a concrete cutting contractor but there are a few questions you want to ask before signing on that dotted line.
How Closely Can Your Concrete Cutting Contractor Cut?
In the event that there’s a wall adjacent to where you need your cuts made, ask how close they can actually get. A qualified concrete cutting contractor can get flush, or very close to flush, to the wall. This also depends on the tools used but you always want to check with your potential contractor beforehand to make sure they feel qualified to complete the job.
Can You Cut Ceilings?
Just like cutting flush to a wall, not every contractor is going to be able to cut a ceiling depending on their tools or their experience. You may be working with a basement concrete ceiling that needs to be cut but don’t assume that any contractor is going to be able to do the job. Not everyone is qualified to do this.
Can You Groove or Grind a Floor?
Struggling with a garage floor or concrete floor at a production facility? You may want to know if they can groove or grind the floor while doing the rest of the job. This creates bumps that provide traction, or even small speed bumps that can help slow traffic down. If this is something you’re interested in, make your concrete cutter well aware of this need as early as you can as not every contractor is equipped for this kind of job.
What Tools Will Your Concrete Cutting Contractor Use?
For anything deeper than a standard cut, your cutter may need a specialty tool. That can lead to additional costs but it’s good to clear up beforehand. When they visit your home or facility, they need to be equipped to goals deep as necessary, so ask them what tools they will need for the job and let them know the scope of the project at hand.
Concrete Visions Will Get The Job Done Right
Concrete Visions has been working with clients for over 25 years. Our G&M Services installers are certified with the industry’s major firestop product manufacturers. As part of our firestop service, we can assess abnormal field conditions and, with the manufacturer’s technical support assistance, provide engineering judgments in a timely fashion to comply with contract specifications. Our Field Mechanics undergo ongoing training, including mandatory monthly safety meetings, weekly Toolbox Talks where safety and equipment information is shred, and trainings on safe work standards and safety best practices.