Find out about the different features of diamond saw blades and what applications these blades have.
Diamond saw blades are among the most reliable tools for piercing through concrete structures. It isn’t always an easy job to find the most ideal tool for a concrete cutting job, so we’ll review everything you need to know about these saws. Find out about the different features of diamond saw blades and what applications these blades have.
Construction of Diamond Saw Blades
The first thing we’ll do is explain what diamond saw blades are. They are blades infused with diamond segments, which then get added onto a steel core. Diamond saw blades help workers cut through many materials, such as asphalt, granite, brick, and concrete.
The segments of these blades are made using synthetic diamond particles blended with different powdered metals, which help create the bond. The mixture of the bond influences how well it is able to cut different materials.
The blade’s working surface is given an abrasive wheel, which helps leave the diamond particles exposed. The core of the blade gets tensioned, which helps guarantee that the blade remains stable and provides straight cuts.
Diamond saw blades complete their tasks either by using chipping or grinding actions. The materials that diamond saw blades cut get broken down by having the diamond particles connect with said materials. Depending on the type of diamond segment the blade has, it will influence factors such as the longevity of the blade and what the cutting rate may be.
Relevant Applications for Diamond Saw Blades
You’ll need to ask some questions before deciding which type of diamond blade will be the best one for your project. What type of saw will you use? Will you go with wet or dry cutting? What is the material that you will be cutting? How much performance is needed from your diamond saw blade? The scope of your construction project gives you a better idea of which blade to use.
Not Using the Right Saw Blade
If you use concrete blades to cut through asphalt, your blade will have a shorter lifespan, and the bond will get worn down at a faster rate. When using asphalt blades for cutting concrete, the opposite will hold true. The bond won’t get worn down, but the exposed diamonds will end up wearing down.
Whenever your bond doesn’t erode, you won’t expose any other diamonds. This will make it, so your blade doesn’t cut, and it will also overheat and ultimately cause damage to the core and segment.
Concrete Visions Will Get The Job Done Right
Concrete Visions has been working with clients for over 25 years. Our G&M Services installers are certified with the industry’s major firestop product manufacturers. As part of our firestop service, we can assess abnormal field conditions and, with the manufacturer’s technical support assistance, provide engineering judgments in a timely fashion to comply with contract specifications. Our Field Mechanics undergo ongoing training, including mandatory monthly safety meetings, weekly Toolbox Talks where safety and equipment information is shred, and trainings on safe work standards and safety best practices.